When we say ‘make your money change your world’, we mean it in more ways than one. We think that sound financial planning advice can help you avoid making costly mistakes and provide a firm foundation for your future.
We also believe that your money has the power for good. In common with other aspects of ethical consumerism like fair trade and organics, by investing your money to reflect your values, you can channel it into more positive projects and help to make change in how businesses are run through shareholder engagement.
At Ethical Futures we are a small, but growing team, dedicated to trying to do the right thing by our clients and in the process helping to make a few changes in the world that we live in.
Money, as they say, makes the world go round. Unfortunately, this means that the world of finance has attracted more than its fair share of murky dealings and considerable scepticism by the public. The team have all worked in big businesses and know what it’s like to work somewhere where the sales figures are more important than the customer.
It needn’t be like that, and we formed Ethical Futures to offer a forward-looking business that would help clients from all walks of life plan for their futures and reflect their values.
From small beginnings in 2005, we have grown organically, building a team with extensive financial experience whilst also offering opportunities to graduates and others keen to get started in the sector. Before starting Ethical Futures, both Martin and Julian worked for major names in mainstream, advising on pension planning, investments, protection and mortgages.
We provide a similar breadth of planning and advice at Ethical Futures but we always focus on investments which are responsibly managed, ethically screened or thematically focused. We don’t see the point in hedging your bets – you either believe in ethical investment or you don’t. If you do, then like us, you’ll want all your money to reflect your values.
At Ethical Futures, we plan to carry on changing the world, pound by pound, policy by policy. We advise people from all walks of life and all levels of income. As long as you can afford the fees and it makes sense to engage us, we will be happy to advise you. Our focus is on Scotland, but we do have clients south of the border and technology makes this increasingly viable.
We hope that you will join us on this journey and we look forward to helping plan your ethical future too.