Having set a strategy in place, it's important to ensure that you remain on course. We suggest this is best done by a regular financial planning review. As with our initial advice service offering, we aim to be as flexible as possible to give you the option to trade up and down the on-going services, as suits your needs.

For clients with investments and pensions advised by Ethical Futures, our core on-going service is the Investment Monitoring Service.
Our fund monitoring service provides an on-going review of investments, pension funds and discretionary services, recommended by Ethical Futures. We monitor for changes in performance, management or ethical criteria.
We hold regular reviews and meetings with investment managers and combine this with web based research. We update you about our research and relevant financial issues with quarterly monitoring updates, sent to you by email and on our website. In the event of a critical issue that we feel merits specific action by you, we will inform you in writing of new recommendations or changes that may be relevant to your circumstances.
In addition to investment monitoring, we will also handle a limited number of enquires for you during the year about your existing investments and of course maintain your client records, updating address changes etc , as required.
Costs: this service is paid for by an annual fee based upon a percentage of investment funds under management.

Many of our clients find that a consultation with us is the ideal opportunity to pull together the various strands of their financial life. Our annual review service aims to make sure that the actions we've taken are still right for you. We'll schedule an annual face to face meeting with you to review your existing investments and policies (both ethically and financially) and consider how they fit into your current and future plans. The annual review also serves as a good opportunity to discuss questions that you may have regarding 'non-product' related financial issues.
In addition to the annual meeting, clients on the annual review service can also access our advice and guidance on a range of financial issues that may concern them throughout the year by interim email and telephone consultation.
Costs: this service is paid for by a monthly retainer fee.
Client testimonial
READ THE CASE STUDYEthical Futures helped me put a more realistic and coherent investment plan in place, aimed at funding for my future needs after my planned retirement.